What Is Data SGP?
A data sgp is a spreadsheet that provides educators with a view of a student’s relative academic growth. It allows them to quickly and easily compare a student’s performance over time in relation to their academic peers.
SGP is measured on a scale from 1-99; higher numbers indicate greater relative growth while lower numbers reflect lower growth. Educators use data sgp to identify areas of improvement for their students. SGP can also be used to assess overall student progress, evaluate the effectiveness of a school or district, and to make instructional decisions that are informed by a clear picture of student achievement.
The data sgp is a useful tool for identifying students who are not progressing at a normal rate and those who need additional support or challenge. However, it should not be the sole factor in making educational decisions as it can sometimes result in distorted comparisons due to student characteristics or differences in the baseline cohort design.
Data sgp is calculated by comparing a student’s score on a test section with the scores of others with similar academic histories and weighting these comparisons accordingly. This produces an estimate of a student’s rank within their cohort in relation to a specific test section; higher numbers indicate greater growth. The resulting number is then compared with a target score, which indicates the level of achievement that a student should attain by the end of a given grade.
Educators can access a student’s data sgp by selecting the “SGP Data” tab in their SGP Summary Report. This spreadsheet provides a detailed view of a student’s SGP over the course of five years (see the “Data SGP Format” section below for more details). The first column, ID, provides the unique student identifier. The following 5 columns, SS_2013, SS_2014, SS_2015, SS_2016 and SS_2017, provide the assessment scores for each of these years.
Most SGP analyses require access to longitudinal student assessment data in WIDE or LONG format. The lower level SGP functions, studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections, require WIDE formatted data while the higher level wrapper functions, studentSGPWindowSpecific and studentSGPCurrent, require LONG formatted data. We recommend using LONG formatted data if you intend to run SGP analyses on an operational basis year after year as this format offers many preparation, storage and retrieval advantages over WIDE formatted data.