What is Data SGP?
Data sgp is an information database that assists educators in pinpointing areas of student development. It helps teachers and administrators identify areas for improvement within classrooms so that students can make the best possible progress toward their academic goals. The goal of this tool is to provide teachers with a clear picture of students’ growth in comparison to their peers, and it is essential to be able to make accurate assessments about the students who are not making enough progress. This is a crucial step in the educational process, and it can be difficult to manage without the right tools.
SGP analyses require significant amounts of data that can be challenging to analyze – this is commonly referred to as “big data” although in relation to analysis of global Facebook interactions it still isn’t large. Nevertheless, sgp analyses often need to handle very large amounts of data which can be difficult to manage with traditional databases and spreadsheet software. sgpData is designed to address this challenge and to make SGP analyses more accessible by providing a simple, easy to use, relational database.
The sgpData database is an anonymized panel data set that contains 5 years of annual vertically scaled assessment data in WIDE format. This exemplar data set is provided to model the format for the lower level functions used for operational analyses (studentGrowthPercentiles, studentGrowthProjections). sgpData is available to all districts and schools through the NJDOE. This database is also the source of the mSGP scores that are submitted by teachers to their school districts and then converted to a teacher evaluation rating.
In addition to mSGP scores, the sgpData database contains an additional set of aggregated data that is useful for instructional purposes. This is the sgpData_INSTRUCTOR_NUMBER data set which contains teacher-student lookup tables for each of the test records in sgpData. This can be helpful in identifying which teachers are providing the most effective instruction for students, or determining which teachers have the highest number of students in need of academic support.
sgpData also provides data relating to how much growth each student needs to reach their achievement targets. This information can be incorporated into goals to allow educators to articulate realistic performance targets and then make plans for accelerating the learning of high students who are falling behind their peers.
This is a key part of assessing the effectiveness of accelerated programs, and it can help to ensure that most students are able to stay on track with their peers rather than being held back by small percentages of students who do not make sufficient gains.
In addition to assisting with the identification of student need, data SGP can be used to compare the current relative performance of students against their targets and peers across schools and in each content area. This information can help educators understand how well their students are performing and which schools and content areas are providing the most support to the students who need it.